yes it has been three years since i have made a post! and yes it is ridicules, i get that! now with that said....a lot has happened some good, some bad, and some i just dont understand. so i have alot of catching up to do. the short of it is....i have one husband and two sons. one that refuses to speak to me and one that does. i now have a daughter in-law and an amazing grandson and in a few short months another grandchild will join us.
for the most part i am a happy person. but just like everyone, i too have my days.
i am hoping that blogging again will help me with expressing my feelings. so my goal is to do this on somewhat regular basis.
i do promise (mostly to myself) that all will not be sad on here because i have so much to be grateful for! i hope to share so much of my happy moments but i am sure the sad ones will creep in occasionally
have a great day you deserve it!!!.
A day or two in the life of Me.....
just some random thoughts, pictures and recipes
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Morning Glory Muffins

These muffins are by far the best muffins I have ever had.
Several years ago I had heard about Linda Fisher, a woman divorced and struggling to support her son and making muffins. She used her Mothers old pancake recipe and modified it into muffins, her and her son, went around to local businesses and sold them.
Luckily she eventually wrote a cook book "The Muffin Lady". I have made several of her recipes from it, but I think this one is my favorite. Along with her recipes comes a story that will amaze you with her strength and persistence.
Morning Glory Muffins
2 cups of flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon mace
2 carrots grated
1 apple grated
1 cup of oil
1 cup of sugar
2 eggs
1/4 cup crushed pineapple
1/4 cup of chopped nuts
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Sift together the dry ingredients. Place the carrots, apples, oil, and sugar in a bowl and mix with an electric mixer until well blended. Add the eggs one at a time. Gradually add the dry mixture. Fold in the pineapple and nuts. Spoon into wax paper lined 12 unit muffin pan and bake for 30-35 minutes .
There is just a few things that I have changed up: first off I double the recipe for obvious reasons ( they are soooo good).
Second : I don't use wax paper I use cupcake liners
Other than that I stick with her recipe.
Hope you Enjoy them!
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon mace
2 carrots grated
1 apple grated
1 cup of oil
1 cup of sugar
2 eggs
1/4 cup crushed pineapple
1/4 cup of chopped nuts
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Sift together the dry ingredients. Place the carrots, apples, oil, and sugar in a bowl and mix with an electric mixer until well blended. Add the eggs one at a time. Gradually add the dry mixture. Fold in the pineapple and nuts. Spoon into wax paper lined 12 unit muffin pan and bake for 30-35 minutes .
There is just a few things that I have changed up: first off I double the recipe for obvious reasons ( they are soooo good).
Second : I don't use wax paper I use cupcake liners
Other than that I stick with her recipe.
Hope you Enjoy them!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quite sometime ago My daughter-in-law Jenn and I decided we wanted to do a photo shoot of her and her horse. You know a cute girl , sundress, flowers and a horse. Then the wedding dress came into the picture and I couldn't have been more giddy.

In the pasture and over at the pond it was a great time for all of us. Her Mom (Andi) was also shooting with her camera and all was good.

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Cover Shot

Donna McSpadden is the most amazing woman. She has always been the woman behind the Man, but she is a legend of her own . It is sad to say that she lost the love of her life last year. She is a beautiful and strong Lady.
I met this wonderful woman when I was ask to do a shoot for a magazine cover. I walked into her house and immediately she made me feel like I had known her all my life. Honestly, I wish I had.
I went to this job with the attitude of yippee My First Cover and came away with WOW I met Donna McSpadden- one of the most remarkable human beings I have ever known. Not to say that I am not excited about the photo, because it did make the cover and Yes I am over the moon with excitement.
This is a magazine that is for all women not just cowgirls, so don't let the title fool you.
I.M. Cowgirl,
The Happy Couple
The wedding was a success. Busy, Busy, Busy. Friday was decorating all day then the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. We had BBQ brought in and boy was it good. Saturday is just a few hours away. Whew! Lots to do.
The actual ceremony was probably the shortest in history. Long enough for the ring bearer to give us all a show. Lil E was hilarious. What do you expect from a child that wasn't even two yet?

They both looked amazing on their Day. Son in a Tux. What can I say, I am used to seeing him in wranglers and then to have him in a tuxedo. Handsome!
Jennys gown was beautiful. Her hair was beautiful. She was beautiful.
What a beautiful wedding
Their is nothing in the world that will compare to watching one of your Sons get married to the girl of his dreams. We couldn't be happier with the choice that he made. She is absolutely wonderful.
(check out the boot she has on)

Their is nothing in the world that will compare to watching one of your Sons get married to the girl of his dreams. We couldn't be happier with the choice that he made. She is absolutely wonderful.
(check out the boot she has on)
Photos by: Prickly Pair Photography
Hannah Wright
Thanks PPP you girls did an awesome job!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
We took most of them at Will Rogers Birthplace, and a few more in town. For those of you who do not know Jenny, She is a cowgirl and Rodeo was her life, all her life. So with that , these are not your typical Bridals. But they are fun and they are HER. I enjoyed taking them and still enjoy looking at them.

Is this not the Bomb?
Jenny I cannot wait to take more, so be ready. Thank You!
In December my Oldest Son proposed to "Jenny". It was a shock and it wasn't. We all knew he would , we just didn't know when. He surprised all of us. Jenny had wanted to go see the Christmas lights at Rhema Bible College the year before and the big Ice Storm came in and destroyed it , so this last year He said he would take her. That's where he proposed to her. So sweet!!
So with that done the wedding plans were ON!!
Lots of planning and lots of pictures, starting with the Engagement Pics.
If any of you know my son, He hates having his picture taken, so this took all of 15 minutes and DONE!
So with that done the wedding plans were ON!!
Lots of planning and lots of pictures, starting with the Engagement Pics.
If any of you know my son, He hates having his picture taken, so this took all of 15 minutes and DONE!
Don't know where I've been, but I am back. So much has happened in the last couple of months, that I don't even know where to start. I/We have been so busy and I still for the life of me can't really tell you what we have gotten done.
Hopefully I will be a better blogger from now on. I don't promise ANYTHING. I know your life totally depends on this blog. I do promise that "I enjoy this".
OMG I just looked it has been 4 months. Where did that 4 months go?
I guess one of the last post I did was about the ring. Well I gave it back! Said I didn't want it that it was just not me! Yea Right BLING BLING I STILL GOT THE RING!!! That was in March and I guess shortly after that I ate the pancake bake and went into hiding.
April is a tough month -My Brother and Dads birthdays are in that month and that is the month that my brother(only sibling) passed away. Dads was four months later in August, same year. Then May came and that' s the month my Mom passed away. I know this has nothing to do with me not blogging but I now realize that my brain just went on break. Couldn't think and really just didn't want to think.
Then it was June the month of Brides. My oldest son got married and now I have a daughter. Yipee! And yes I will post some of the Bridals (which I took) and of the wedding (which I didn't take) The wedding was nice but Oh lord was I tired afterwards! I honestly cannot imagine being the Mother of the Bride! Whew! More on this later
Then it was July and that is the month of going to the lake every weekend, except this year The Husband went on a bike/fishing Trip for ten days and I got the brilliant idea of remodeling the downstairs bathroom. Well really it started out with Just painting and then BOOM it was the whole darn room. How do I get myself into this crap? I do not know! This is also the month of My birthday which I have a feeling that my wonderful husband FORGOT AGAIN. Not totally sure , but have a feeling. I think Melanie saved his little butt!
I have taken some pictures lately, one of which was for the cover of a magazine (and yes I was quite excited) and some newborns. But that is also something that I need to go full steam ahead on too.
I will break it all down a little later and put up pics and more detailed stories
I does feel good to be back!!!!!!!!
Hopefully I will be a better blogger from now on. I don't promise ANYTHING. I know your life totally depends on this blog. I do promise that "I enjoy this".
OMG I just looked it has been 4 months. Where did that 4 months go?
I guess one of the last post I did was about the ring. Well I gave it back! Said I didn't want it that it was just not me! Yea Right BLING BLING I STILL GOT THE RING!!! That was in March and I guess shortly after that I ate the pancake bake and went into hiding.
April is a tough month -My Brother and Dads birthdays are in that month and that is the month that my brother(only sibling) passed away. Dads was four months later in August, same year. Then May came and that' s the month my Mom passed away. I know this has nothing to do with me not blogging but I now realize that my brain just went on break. Couldn't think and really just didn't want to think.
Then it was June the month of Brides. My oldest son got married and now I have a daughter. Yipee! And yes I will post some of the Bridals (which I took) and of the wedding (which I didn't take) The wedding was nice but Oh lord was I tired afterwards! I honestly cannot imagine being the Mother of the Bride! Whew! More on this later
Then it was July and that is the month of going to the lake every weekend, except this year The Husband went on a bike/fishing Trip for ten days and I got the brilliant idea of remodeling the downstairs bathroom. Well really it started out with Just painting and then BOOM it was the whole darn room. How do I get myself into this crap? I do not know! This is also the month of My birthday which I have a feeling that my wonderful husband FORGOT AGAIN. Not totally sure , but have a feeling. I think Melanie saved his little butt!
I have taken some pictures lately, one of which was for the cover of a magazine (and yes I was quite excited) and some newborns. But that is also something that I need to go full steam ahead on too.
I will break it all down a little later and put up pics and more detailed stories
I does feel good to be back!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Pancakes and Sausage BAKED
One of the guys at work was telling me about this recipe that his wife makes and he loves, so I tried it and he's right (Don't tell him)
It sounded kinda weird at first but what the heck I'll try anything once.
This would be great if you have a large group for breakfast and don't want to flip pancakes for a hour. It is got to be the simplest recipe ever
one pound of ground sausage browned
one recipe of pancake mix (I used Bisquick)
Mix up the pancake mix per directions on side or back of box and brown sausage in a skillet. Mix the sausage in the batter and pour into a 9x13 glass baking dish. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. Take out of oven and cut as if serving a cake pour warm syrup over the top and serve
Diamonds ARE a Girls Best Friend

Yes maam He did good! He did real Good!
This is coming from the girl who doesn't really wear a lot of jewelry. During the week I wear your basic gold band and thats it. With my job its not practical to wear a lot of jewelry. I did wear it Monday though, the guys at work had to see it.
After 25 years and a few hints (not a lot), the Husband pulled it off. Saturday we were going out to eat at Flemings (a steak house)and before we left our house I decided to give him the gifts I had gotten for him (a motorcycle lift and seat, a digital camera for hunting and a Tom Tom GPS ) he loved them. He said it was like Christmas, then it was time to leave, we did have reservations at 7 pm.
You have to understand that for the last 24 years we haven't exchanged anniversary gifts, maybe a card, but thats it. I will say he was surprised, and then so was I when he didn't say "Honey I have something for you too". No he just said thanks and we better get on the road to make those reservations. OK well so much for that. I still had hope.
We got to the steak house and was seated and of course I was starving and was going on and on about which steak I wanted and which appetizer to get. When he shut his menu and said "I have something for you", and "I Love You" blah blah blah get on with it PLEASE!!!!!
Then he laid the box on the table. HOLY COW!!! Not only was it a ring, it was THE ring. The one I had wanted but hadn't told or showed him yet (hadn't had the chance)(and really didn't think it would do any good anyways) Now what are the odds of that. Husband actually getting it and getting it right!!
It was hard to eat (i am left handed) and look at my ring at the same time but I managed somehow.
It is beautiful and it fits perfectly and its all mine baby!
Thank You Husband of 25 years!!!!
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