Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice Again

this has been one of those months, you know, when you just don't want to do anything cause its too darn cold. I can't seem to get warm, at all, and I'm not sure I ever will.

Monday I went to work with the mind set that this won't be a real bad storm, WRONG. I finally left work at 3:30, an hour early. I should've left about 12:30. I have a 35 mile drive home that usually takes about 45 minutes with traffic and all. NOT MONDAY! Monday it took me 3 HOURS and I still didn't make it home.

Bumper to bumper and 3 to 5 mph for 3 frickin hours. Semis sliding (backwards downhill), trucks fishtailin, and cars spinning out of control, and I had had enough. I couldn't do anymore, so when The Husband called and told me to take it real easy down our hill and tap the brakes easy so I won't end up going sideways, I gave up. Only a couple of miles from Melanies I called and begged "Can I spend the night at your house, PLEASE?" I knew she would say yes, she couldn't believe I was driving in this crap anyway.

Three blocks from Mels house and I hear a loud crash. Not me but Right next to me going the other way was a nice pretty blue car spinning in circles. So with my stomach in knots and having to pee for the last 2 hours, blood shot eyes from squinting for three hours and only one breakdown where the tears and sobbing were out of control, I got off the Highway. I made it the two blocks to her drive way and as I was turning right somehow my SUV went left into her neighbors yard, OMG I finally made into the drive and I couldn't wait to get in the house

By the look on her face I could tell that I probably had a wild look on mine. But I made it there safe and sound and a little (lot) frazzled. Tried again the next day to make it the last ten miles to my house, and then I was truly safe at home for the next two days. I hate Ice!!!

Hope everyone else driving in this crap is safe too!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Its January 1 again and once again I am making out a list of things I want to accomplish this year. (this time I mean it)

Every year I make out a list , in my mind, and every year I let it go by the wayside. I have come to the conclusion that the problem is I am not writing it down, therefore I do not hold myself accountable. There I said it.

1. LOSE weight (not going to say a number but any would be good)
2. Be nice to everyone including myself
3. Lose weight
4. Get organized ( house and mind)
5. ???
I'm thinking 4 is a good number, I don't want to overwhelm myself (remember #2) and make this long unachievable list that I wont' even look at let alone try to do.
As far as a plan to carry this crap through, I don't really have one. I guess I need to start somewhere.
The weight loss plan, that one kinda messes with me cuz I love My Food, I love to go out to eat and so that leaves me with plan B "EXERCISE" (Nordic track and/or Wii)
The Be Nice thing, I try to be nice and probably I am a lot nicer to other people than I am to myself , so I need to work on that ( being nicer to myself, not being meaner to others ~ I just want to make that clear)
The organize deal I'm not sure how to get my mind organized, but the house needs it just as bad. I have good intentions all year and good ideas, I just never follow through with it. Lord only know how much organizational contraptions I have purchased throughout the years and yet there is Always an excuse (I think that falls in the mind category) Get over it!!
Wish me luck!
this is my list what is yours?
I better eat a lot of black-eyed peas so I can get busy on this list.

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