Black Tuesday that's what it was BLACK TUESDAY from h#$%. My sons do not require Christmas gifts under the tree anymore and they would rather just have money to maybe help purchase a big ticket item for their house, which is fine with me (means no shopping for me) So anyway the oldest son wants a TV for his house, Great. So I told him if he found one that he wanted before Christmas I would go ahead and give him his X-mas moolaa. He called Monday and said he found the one he wants could I meet him at that store after work. I said "sure" well anyway Tuesday was veterans day and the banks were closed so he couldn't get his part of the purchase price. Mom to the rescue! Don't worry I'll just write a check for the whole thing then you can give me the balance. Great Idea! So I write the check and the man at the register runs it. declined WHAT? yep you heard me DECLINED BABY He says there is a number on the bottom of the decline slip that you can call to find out why so I immediately call. The man on the phone says that there were three RED FLAGS 1 low check number ( It was a new account and only my 17th check) 2 high amount (over a thousand dollars) and 3 I had never written a check on that account at this store. By now my chest is getting red I'm sure with hives and the sweat is pouring out of me and I can barely hold the phone because of the shaking. Anger and embarrassment!! So I try my checking account debit card. (i didn't know there is a limit set on those darn things) DECLINED !! OMGosh!!! now what? oh yea my husbands CREDIT CARD! yea baby. I say no problem now its under control. yea whatever get ready~ it was a big FAT DECLINED Oh no this is not happening to me right there in the store with what seemed like thousands of people standing around. So then the Manager comes over and gives me THE LOOK he says clear everything out and start over so we do . during all of this my phone starts ringing, which i can't answer because to much is going on for my brain to multi task anymore, so I let it ring and ring. The manager runs the credit card again and like magic it works, So I sign the little line and scoot right on out of there. As we are leaving that area and headed for the door I check to see who was calling in my moment of despair and guess who THE HUSBAND and he wants to know if I am trying to use the credit card and he knows the exact amount. HOW DO YOU KNOW all of this i ask. As he is laughing his butt off he tells me that earlier he was in another town and had made a couple of large purchases (I'm sure those have to do with Hunting) and when he got home the credit card company called to tell him there was "unusual activity" on the card, while they were talking she tells him "omgosh they are trying to use it again". He ask where are they at, she tells him and the lights come on, OH MY my wife is there buying a TV! let it go thru! So as a warning to all when you are in line at the store and the people in front of you are having a slight difficulty with checks or a credit card don't always assume that they are trying to rip someone off .Maybe they have a husband that was at another store spending the money at the same time. A lesson to be learned.
YEP You guessed it! We had to take the TV back, the sound board was out! To add drama to the situation the receipt got washed and the box was thrown away. But all in all it was a pretty smooth exchange, now lets just hope this one works!!! Pray, Pray and Pray some more
1 comment:
Oh dear, I hear you on this one. Nothing worse than looking like you have no money but you're trying to buy a big item. I know the more I keep saying "I have no idea what the problem is because I have money in that account." the more people around me are thinking..."sure she does....NOT". LOL Funny story
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