The choo- choo train made it !!! JRs' 3rd birthday has come and gone and I doubt he will always remember his cake from his 3rd birthday, but it was fun, challenging, and to me a success.
No I won't say it was easy but truthfully it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.
I was going to start on Friday morning baking all the cakes and have them ready to ice Saturday. Until I realized that I had bought the wrong sugar (what was I thinking) so off to the store and baking that night till 11 pm.
Not knowing exactly what to expect out of the cake or myself I got up really early (5:40 am) to get started and it went a little easier than i thought heck I even had time for a shower before the party (lucky for the party goers HUH?) and makeup.Saturday started off with about five recipes of icing and then the fun began. I did all but the very bottom so I could transfer them to a board that the Mom had at the party place. When we got to the party I finished the bottom and placed the cargo for the 2nd and 3rd cars, crushed oreos for coal and pretzel sticks for logs.
This is not something I do all the time actually this was MY FIRST
It was something I had always wanted to do and now I can say that I have done it and move on to the next thing on my list.
I wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR
I am off to start planning the next party
A 50th for the husband
(no cake)
just good friends and a good time
Hey, very gorgeous cake. My little fella would have loved that. He just turned three and we did a Wiggles cake - well a big red car - well actually just a wheel of the big red car! It was cute and he loved it!
Have a Merry Christmas.
You're so talented! I'm lucky if I don't burn a sheet cake. Dang, this makes me want to eat some cake. LOL
We loved it, Debbie! Thank you!!!
I left your Christmas present on my site. :)
Merry Christmas, Debbie
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