Thursday, January 1, 2009


Its January 1 again and once again I am making out a list of things I want to accomplish this year. (this time I mean it)

Every year I make out a list , in my mind, and every year I let it go by the wayside. I have come to the conclusion that the problem is I am not writing it down, therefore I do not hold myself accountable. There I said it.

1. LOSE weight (not going to say a number but any would be good)
2. Be nice to everyone including myself
3. Lose weight
4. Get organized ( house and mind)
5. ???
I'm thinking 4 is a good number, I don't want to overwhelm myself (remember #2) and make this long unachievable list that I wont' even look at let alone try to do.
As far as a plan to carry this crap through, I don't really have one. I guess I need to start somewhere.
The weight loss plan, that one kinda messes with me cuz I love My Food, I love to go out to eat and so that leaves me with plan B "EXERCISE" (Nordic track and/or Wii)
The Be Nice thing, I try to be nice and probably I am a lot nicer to other people than I am to myself , so I need to work on that ( being nicer to myself, not being meaner to others ~ I just want to make that clear)
The organize deal I'm not sure how to get my mind organized, but the house needs it just as bad. I have good intentions all year and good ideas, I just never follow through with it. Lord only know how much organizational contraptions I have purchased throughout the years and yet there is Always an excuse (I think that falls in the mind category) Get over it!!
Wish me luck!
this is my list what is yours?
I better eat a lot of black-eyed peas so I can get busy on this list.


Jindivick Wildlife Care said...

Hey Debbie, Good luck with your list - it's very, very similar to mine!
Perhaps we should buddy up to achieve our goals!
Happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Lose weight is #1, #2, and #3 on my list of things to do this year. Ugh......

lennon said...

good luck to you debbie. resolution #2 and #4 are both great.

Anonymous said...

I quit making "lists" a long time ago because I learned that lists were made to never follow through with...I never break a resolution this way. =)

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