Well, where do I start? First we went to a pizza place to eat before the skating party and the pop tasted like dirt (that town has got some BAD water) then Mels was going to sprinkle pepper flakes on her pizza and the lid was unscrewed. Pepper flakes everywhere. I looked at her and said "I sure hope this is not a indication of what the day brings" Famous last words!!
We all got to the party and rushed right over to get our skates (1st mistake)
I should have known when I stood up and the arms immediately went out (2nd mistake)
I made it 1 lap, heart pounding, legs shaking and the fear had set in. They have a small kiddy rink in the back, so some of us went there, you know to get our feet under us. Well that worked for some but not all. Amber had her little boy that had never skated, and she wanted to take her skates off so she could help him. She asked me to hold his hands while she took off her skates ( I am sure she is counting that as one of her mistakes) and the rest is history.
Only a small amount of blood from the left elbow and water on one knee, and one totally crushed Pride. Yes the boy is OK. (At least physically) Nobody else was injured in what seemed like a 3 minute fall. At first i thought it was just my knee, then my elbow was hurting so I looked at it and low and behold there was blood on my jacket (not a lot).
I will be OK most likely really sore tomorrow but OK
Oh and to top all of that I look up and who do I see but one of the guys from work. LOVELY
Amber I promise I will never skate around your son, and jepordize his life again.
Keep your feet on the ground!
Maybe pictures later I gotta go put ice on my knee
Happy Birthday Lexi!!!
add on: mels did good skating on the rink, but sitting at the table got her, right down between two benches and she didn't even have her skates on.
OMG, I was laughing out loud reading about how our day went. I hope your not too bad off today.
OMGsh, sorry to laugh but it reminded me of my last roller blade adventure. I thought I broke my elbow and it hurt for months after that. I'm scared to get back on those things again even though my husband begs me to blade with him. I can just see me breaking a hip. LOL
Hope you are on the mend and not too sore tomorrow.
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