Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cooking 101

Stay out of the kitchen as much as possible!!!! not really! although some take out is good and believe me i use it to its full potential. when the kids was home i tried to cook every day, you noticed i said tried. With two growing boys at home it was hard not to cook. until baseball season came around, then there was no time to cook or even shop for the food. Two boys on two separate teams going to two separtate towns at two separate times. OMG! (THE FUN WE HAD! Fast Food was my friend and the only thing we would have for supper for months. then they became teenagers and well they just wasn't home alot of the time but I cooked a few nites. now they are grown and out of the house, and i am having to relearn how to cook and to cook for only two. Not having two growing boys eating all the time has really cut down on the grocerys in our house and what goes on the table

Sundays seems to be my cooking day, you know make alot like when the boys was home then you have lots of leftoovers for the rest of the week. yea !!! you know cook stuff like stew , chicken and dumplins, chicken enchiladas(ummm),beans and corn bread,and in the summer the husband gets to cook the meat and sometimes the other stuff outside but its not summer here and so on sunday i cooked roast potatoes and carrots and yes i still cook two roast just as if the boys were still home but now we have lots of leftovers for the week.

Sunday Roast Dinner

2 3lb roast browned
8 potatoes
2 lbs baby carrots
2 packages williams brown gravy mix
1 or 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup (you pick)
2 onions sliced real thick
sat and pepper to your taste (cuz i like alot)

Brown your roast in a skillet i use about a half a stick of butter. layer the onion slices in the bottom of your roaster then your roast(s) i let that cook at 350 for about a 30 minutes then add gravy mix, soup and water let that mix up let everything cook till about three hours before being done and add the baby carrots then about a hour and a half later add the potatoes

When all done (meats at the right temp and potatoes break when poked with a fork) place roast and fixins on a platter and use a little bit of corn starch to make gravy
Serve with cole slaw and brown and serve rolls (you cant beat those brown and serves to sop up that gravy with) i guess you just had to grow up with em

thats how i do it

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